Understanding Genomic.

Djegnene Penyel
3 min readOct 25, 2020


Have you heard about the human genome project this international and collaboration research project whose goal was to completely mapped and understand the human genome.

This amazing scientifique prowes was one off the stepping stone for the field of Genomic .


But what is Genomic and what is an Genome ?

Genomic is the scientifique field that study the Genome, I am pretty sure that you are familiar with Deoxyribonucleic Acid or more commonly know as DNA this molecule that we all learned in high school can be described as the code of life or as an gene. In fact this macromolecule who as the form of an double helix cointain all the information that dictate how an organism act and is build and the sum of all those DNA represented a genome.

DNA is build of an phosphate base and of 4 nucleotide base (or base ) which are adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine commonly noted as A, T, G, C. Each of those base can only be couple an complementary one and you easily memorised those couple with those two phrase :

Apple in Tree for Adenine (A) and Thymine (T).

Car in Garage for Cytosine (C)and Guanine (G)

And it is the order of those nucleotide base in the DNA that determine the information contained in the genome.


But how do we do to study our Genome ?

To be able to study our genome we first need to sequence it which consiste of determining the exact order of all the base in a DNA strand. Giving that base are complementary you only need to know one to determine the other.

The most widly used sequencing technique is called next generation sequencing also know as NGS consiste of broking down the DNA strand into fragment then we put them into a special environ the last step consist of adding new chemically tagged nucleotide to the DNA strand we are sequencing. Finally we just have to read those chemically tagged strand to know the exact order of the DNA strand that we are studying.

The second step of studying our genome consiste of using the data that we collected from the first step. This step is the most important because knowing the sequence of DNA strand is useless if we do not put it to use. The way of using the data from the sequencing step are limitless for exemple we can use those data to diagnosis and treat disease.



Genomic is the study of all the information contain in the genome of a organisme. After sequencing the genome we can use the information we get for a limiltless amount of use case for exemple treating and analyzing disease.



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