Bioinformatic on the surface
What is Bioinformatic and what problem can it solve? The goal of this article is to bring you the information that will allow you to respond to those question easily.
What is Bioinformatic.
The terme bioinformatic originate from Paulen Hogewed a Dutch biologist and Ben Hesper used the term to described the study of information process in biotic systems. In other word they use bioinformatic to described the process of using computer science and data science concept to study the living component that affects or shapes an organism or the ecosystem.
Bioinformatic can be explained as data-science for biological data. If we take in comparaison the two field we see that have a lot in common and differed only in the data they use and the insight the want to get from those data.
The biological data used in Bioinformatic is commonly data coming from the field of molecular biology for exemple the sequence of an genome, macromolecular structure and, the result of genomic experiments.
What can Bioinformatic can do.
Bioinformatic is a new field but it has already show us it big potential in solving some of the biggest problem that human for decade have struggle to solve. For exemple to be able to know how different cellular cell act when they are in an disease state we have to combined biological data in an coherent and organised way. Bioinformatic allow us to solve this by allowing us to analyse and interpreted various type of biological data for exemple those data can be nucleotide, amino acide sequences and protein sequence.
The processing power that Bioinformatic bring to the biological sector will allow us to better understanding our own genetic witch will allow us to have better more specialised healthcare and so much more. In fact this understanding of our gene and the improvement of health service as already begin with gene sequence as a matter of fact the quote below that was made by Walter Gilbert an molecular biologist pioner in 1980 is almost true.
in the year 2020 you will be able to go into the drug store, have your DNA sequence read in an hour or so, and given back to you on a compact disc so you can analyse it.
Walter Gilbert, 1980
- Bioinformatic is the process of using compteur-science concept to discover and visualize insight from bio data.
- Bioinformatic will allow us to better understand our gene and allow us to answer some of the question we have about it.
- Biological data will become the kind of data that human will get the more insight in the next year and bioinformatic give us the tool to handle this kind of data.
- bioinformatic give us the tool to have a better and more specialised healthcare service.